The Brotherhood is our private membership club with benefits.

Behold the Brotherhood
Enter into a sacred order that welcomes those few souls who seek a higher level of taste and appreciation. Follow us into the holy trinity: beer, brotherhood, and benefits. With a very limited membership, you must cement your legacy quickly to further the tales of the sect.
The Brotherhood membership registration has closed for 2023-4, but will re-open in August of 2024. Feel free to email to inquire about getting on a waiting list for next years club, or with any other questions.

Your initiation into the Brotherhood includes :
- Brotherhood T-Shirt to proudly show you are a member
- Special Brotherhood Swag including a custom glass and opener for your use at home
- Catered Party (Date TBD) with free food & beer
- Exclusive Beer Releases – including 1 free 750 ml bottle of a beer made especially for the Brotherhood
- 10% Discount on Beer and Merchandise
- 2 Free Crowler fills
- Glass kept behind the bar with your name engraved on it
- Monthly Mondays: Member Appreciation Specials
The Brotherhood Exclusive Annual Party
This yearly event is curated to honor our brothers (and sisters) in beer. It is an annual culmination of the entire club, where you get to meet and greet fellow members and share in the experience of Belgian beer. We close the place and open up the back of the brewery. We provide entertainment, special beers, unlimited access to all taps, giveaways and much, much more! It also includes a catered food menu.